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Tracker.gg provides csgo stats, as well as global and regional leaderboards for players around the world. Also, statistics such as kills/deaths ratio, win percentage, played time, headshots percentage, your. Automatically track your cs:go stats, matches and rank.
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To view the competitive stats, press the competitive button in the first block below the avatar and name. Tracker.gg's csgo stats tracker is a tracker network project. Click on the name of a rank to view more information it, including other names it is called, how good it is and more.
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Share your cs:go stats with your friends, or just watch your stats progress over time. Below is total cs:go's list of all ranks in cs:go matchmaking, with rank distributions and percentages.our rank percentage data is automatically updated every hour. Elo punkte bekommst du durch gewinnen oder unentschieden spielen von matches.
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